
Inlays & Onlays

When a tooth is too damaged to support a tooth filling but not damaged enough for a dental crown, you end up somewhere in the middle. Capping a damaged tooth unnecessarily with a dental crown removes more tooth structure than needed. But a large dental filling can weaken the remaining structure of the tooth, causing the tooth to break, crack or eventually need a root canal.

Dental onlays fall somewhere in between dental fillings and dental crowns. Like dental inlays, onlays restore large cavities without having to use a crown.

For direct dental onlays, your tooth is prepared by removing any tooth decay and the tooth is filled with composite resin material when making an impression for a temporary. Traditionally, the filling is molded and hardened in an oven and then cemented to the tooth. But now there's a high-tech option for making direct dental onlays: CERECĀ® uses 3D computer imagery and other special equipment to produce porcelain restorations right in your dental office. By simply taking a picture of your tooth, your dentist can design and create dental onlays, dental inlays, dental crowns or veneers while you relax in the dental chair -- no impressions, temporary fillings or second appointments are needed!

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2225 North Jerusalem Rd. East Meadow, NY 11554